What is Aozora ?

Aozora Kenbun Juku aims to help children grow and develop through the rich nature of Higashi Shirakawa village, Gifu Prefecture. With social contribution as the main mission Aozora project started in 2005.
Currently, in addition to nature programs, human resource development programs such as employee training, agritourism and health tourism, as well as regional health management, comprehensive regional sports club, and initiatives for sustainable community development are also being conducted.
Aozora's mission is :
Let's experience it! Let's feel it! Let's grow! What we offer is "Nature" and "Time" in the clear stream Shirakawa,
Don't miss this opportunity!
From now on, through agricultural forestry, food and rich nature in Satoyama, we will create opportunities and places to experience the values, nature, and culture of ancient Japan, which is becoming to be forgotten in recent years.
Non profit organization Aozora kenbun juku

〔 Overview 〕

Name Non profit organization Aozora Kenbun Juku

Executive director President: Tatsuyoshi Murakumo

        副理事長   安江栄太朗

        専務理事   ジュリオ・ディ・リエンゾ

監 事     栗本恵介   安江 恵

関係スタッフ  16名(令和3年4月1日現在)

会員数     94人(令和3年4月1日現在)

Located at Higashi Shirakawa-mura Goka Gaki-gun, Gifu Prefecture

Established April 2005

Corporate acquisition June 2008

TEL         -  -

FAX         -  -

E-mail      info@aozora-kenbun.com

U R L       http://www.aozora-kenbun.com

〔 目 的 〕


〔 特定非営利活動の種類 〕

⑴ 子どもの健全育成を図る活動

⑵ 環境の保全を図る活動

⑶ 社会教育の推進を図る活動

⑷ まちづくりの推進を図る活動

⑸ 学術、文化、芸術又はスポーツの振興を図る活動

⑹ 保健、医療又は福祉の増進を図る活動

⑺ 国際協力の活動

〔 事業の種類 〕

①  環境学習事業

②  自然体験エコツーリズム事業

③  国際交流事業

④  子育て支援事業

⑤  健康生活サポート事業

⑥  生涯スポーツ振興事業

⑦  芸術文化推進事業

⑧  持続可能な地域づくり事業


2005 Aozora Kenbun Juku Project started

2007 Nature Experience Program "Aozora Kenbun Juku" launched

Acquired legal personality in 2008 Established non-profit organization Aozora Kenbun Juku

2012 Social Contribution Human Resource Development Program launched

2013 Comprehensive model area sports club authorization

2014 Kashishi Tanada (rice field) preservation project start


Founder and CEO Tatsuyoshi Murakumo

Deputy Director Masamichi Matsuoka

Deputy General Manager Tatsuyoshi Murakumo


Health care  

We contribute to regional health management through various initiatives including intergenerational exchange from children to adults, exercising and enjoy moving our body freely in the nature.

Exchange between cities and villages

We aim to involve people from cities in the world of agricultural villages and vice versa. Sharing each other's living styles will help to realize a new lifestyle that involves people, things and Information in both directions.


We will always try to set a comfortable environment where people can communicate. We want to create a place where people enjoy can spending time with their families and the people from their cities. Meet new people and get involved with nature.



What we do

自然見聞  ~ 自然を学び、自然と共生する知恵を体験して、環境に関する認識を広げるプログラム。

冒険見聞  ~ 森林や清流など、アウトドアで身体を使って楽しむことで逞しさや癒しを体感するプログラム。

世界見聞  ~ 海外からゲストを迎え交流することで、その国の文化とふれあうプログラム。

未来見聞 ~ 様々な分野で活躍する大人との交流を通して、その仕事について語ってもらうことにより子ども達の将来の夢づくりにつなげるプログラム